Audio Restoration
You have either music or speech recordings that are somewhat aged, ancient, or that have a problematic sound quality for any other reasons, and you would like to have these recordings restored to approximate present sound quality standards? We can help! We offer professional, high-quality restoration for the audio material you send to us.
Restoring audio material requires a lot of time, specialized tools, and foremost great sensibility. On one hand, any kind of noise not belonging to the material itself has to be eliminated from the historical recording as good as possible. On the other hand, the recorded material itself must not be deteriorated, but should be sonically improved, if possible. To realize both these goals convincingly, which oppose each other diametrically theoretically, one needs a fine, well-trained ear, but also a lot of patience and effort because in this kind of work, it is impossible to use any predefined processing steps. Every passage that needs restoration is different and has to be edited individually, often by successively applying many small processing steps.
For this reason, high-quality audio restoration is not just a technical process, but it is an art as well that sometime can achieve nearly incredible results thanks to many minimal improvements. Of course, a historic recording will never sound like a modern one, however, depending on the quality of the source material, a significantly improved sound quality can be achieved.
If you have audio material that needs some restoration, please feel free to contact us, so we can discuss together with you, how we can help.